Analiza związku warunków hydrogeologicznych w utworach mioceńskich z występowaniem w nich złóż siarki na obszarze zapadliska przedkarpackiego


  • Stanisław Turek


ANALYSIS OF RELATIONS BETWEEN HYDROGEOLOGICAL CONDITIONS AND DISTRIBUTION OF SULFUR DEPOSITS IN THE MIOCENE IN THE CARPATHIAN FOREDEEP Summary The zone of sulfur deposits identified in the Miocene in the Carpathian Foredeep is characterized by almost uniform hydrogeological conditions. Two major aquifers found here are the Quaternary and Miocene. The latter comprises sulfate rocks (gypsum and post-gypsum rocks - limestones and marls) and underlaying Baranów Beds (sands, sandstones and Lithothamnium limestones). It is isolated from the Quaternary aquifer by clay rocks. Contacts of the aquifers are found along northern boundary of the Carpathian Foredeep. The analysis of relations between hydrogeological conditions and distribution of sulfur deposits in the Miocene aquifer showed some connections with permeability of sulfate rocks. Rocks displaying accumulations of sulfur have been found to be characterized by the highest permeability. The sulfur deposits appeared to be surrounded by poorly permeable or impervious rocks. In turrn, no interrelations were found between chemical composition of waters and distribution of sulfur deposits. The results of studies are presented at the example of sulfur deposits from the Tarnobrzeg area.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia