Miedzionośność utworów permu na obszarze przylegającym do złoża Lubin-Sieroszowice


  • Sławomir Oszczepalski
  • Andrzej Rydzewski


COPPER-BEARING OF PERMIAN ROCKS IN AREAS ADJOINING THE LUBIN-SIEROSZOWICE DEPOSIT Summary The surveys of areas adjoining the Lubin-Sieroszowice deposit, carried out in the years 1977 -1981, made it possible to gather some new data on the development and intensity of metal sulfide mineralization of basal parts of the Zechstein of special importance are here data from the drillings M-1 Lipowiec, M-5 Dryżyna, M-9 Grochowice, and the Wilkowo-Żuchlowo region, enabling the study of geological structure in area north of the Lubin-Sieroszowice deposit and borehole data from the Kożuchów region - in area west of the deposit. In the studied part of the Fore-Sudetic Monocline, the series mineralized with metal sulfides comprises Weissliegendes strata, locally present Basal Limestone, Copper-bearing Shale and Zechstein Limestone. In both fields of oxidated "rote Faule" facies, delineated here, sulfidless, hematite-bearing sediments comprise the section up to the top parts of the Zechstein Limestone. The fields of reductory facies, adjoining the latter, are characterized by predominance of Cu sulfides on the Pb and Zn ones. These fields also comprise the major part of the Lubin-Sieroszowice deposit. There were also recognized areas of predominance of Pb on Cu and Zn as well as Zn on Pb and Cu. The obtained results suggest possibility of occurrence of marked concentrations of Cu sulfides north and north-west of the Lubin-Sieroszowice deposit. The surveys planned to be carried out in these areas should make possible to evaluate economic value of copper-bearing deposits from depth interval 1200-2000 m. The results presented in this paper show that regularities in distribution of oxidated zones of the "rote Faule" type and those of reductory type, with mineralization with Cu-Pb-Zn sulfides in the Fore-Sudetic Monocline, may be explained by syngenetic processes determined by facies changes. However, it should be noted here the possibility of vertical and lateral migration of metal-bearing solutions from uplifted zones, with which "rote Faule" areas are usually connected, into geochemical barrier zone, formed of deposits enriched in organic reductors. Migration of such solutions could lead to migration of boundary between oxidated and reductory facies towards the interior of the latter, and superimposition of late diagenetic mineralization on the early diagenetic.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia