Stratygrafia mikropaleontologiczna dolnego paleocenu w wierceniu Goleniów IG-2


  • Maria Danuta Giel


MICROPALEONTOLOGICAL STRATIGRAPHY OF THE LOWER PALEOCENE IN BOREHOLE COLUMN GOLENIÓW IG-2 Summary The paper present results of micropaleontological studies on Lower Paleocene - Montian sediments. The studies covered core material from the borehole column Goleniów IG-2, depth interval 410.8-421.8 m. Calcareous sands and organodetrital limestones occurring in this interval were found to yield 51 species of foraminifers. The recorded assemblage comprises both foraminifers of the Boreal type and warm-water ones. The character of the microfauna made possible correlation of the studied sediments from the borehole Goleniów IG-2 with those of the Puławy Beds in the borehole Pamiętowo. The presence of a mixed assemblage of warm- and cold-water foraminifers in Montian strata (Puławy Beds) in the borehole Goleniów IG-2 shows a marine connection between warm Early Paleocene basin of the western Europe and Boreal reservoir of the eastern Europe.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia