Osady caliche w cechsztyńskim dolomicie głównym (Ca2) okolic Kalisza
CALICHE DEPOSITS IN THE MAIN DOLOMITE (CA2, ZECHSTEIN) IN THE VICINITIES OF KALISZ Summary Sediments of the caliche type have been found in the lowermost part of the Main Dolomite (Zechstein) in the vicinities of Kalisz. They are represented by calcrete rhizobreccias, consisting of angular fragments of hard calcarenite, embedded in undifferentiated micntic matrix. The matrix often displays numerous root systems or their relics. The presence of roots is here evidenced by forms interpreted as rhizolites. High variability in textures of caliche sediments from the Florentyna IG 2 section is due to breaking up of hard calcrete layers by roots, combined with mechanical shoving aside the grains and solution of calcium carbonate by the roots. The record of caliche in the lowermost part of the Main Dolomite in the vicinities of Kalisz gives unequivocal evidence of subaerial exposition of that area. Formation of perilittoral sediments on slope of sulfate platform has preceded by deposition of a thin layer of pelloidal-bioclastic grainstones (with typical features of intertidal deposits) on the platform, indicating strong diachroneity of basal deposits of the Main Dolomite.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia