"Przeglądowa mapa geologiczna Polski w skali 1 : 300 000 (wydanie A) z perspektywy 30 lat jej ukończenia


  • Edward Ruhle


THE REVIEW GEOLOGICAL MAP OF POLAND IN THE SCALE 1: 300 000 AS SEEN AFTER THIRTY YEARS Summary Compilation of a geological map of the whole area of the country was one of major tasks for Polish geology after the w.w. II. The map has been compiled in the scale 1: 100,000 (in 371 sheets) and edited by E. Ruhle to be published in the scale 1 : 300,000 (in 28 sheets and 7 tables of introduction) in the years 1947-1953. The map shows geological structure of the country using 181 differentiated stratigraphic units (56 units for Quaternary sediments and 125 for older ones). It has been compiled taking into account its use for practical purposes so the attention was mainly paid to petrographic-lithological features. The compilation was made using the available published and unpublished data but it appeared necessary to carry out mapping works to compile first review geological maps for 60% of area of the country. Influence of this map on the developments in geological studies in Poland in the last thirty years is emphasized.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia