Zbiorniki tzw. szczaw z płaszczowiny magurskiej jako otwarty względem CO2 system wód podziemnych (polskie Karpaty fliszowe)


  • Paweł M. Leśniak
  • Stanisław Węcławik


SO-CALLED SZCZAWY RESERVOIRS IN THE MAGURA UNIT (POLISH FLYSCH CARPATHIANS) AS GROUNDWATER SYSTEM OPEN IN RELATION TO CO2 Summary The paper deals with a close correlation between the results of geological studies and hydrochemical interpretation of field data on pH and chemical analyses of some highly bicarbonate waters from the Western Carpathians, with reference to the hypothesis of uniform origin of CO2. The content of CO2 in waters was not found to be related to geological structure, mineralogy of an aquifer or depth of its occurrence. Moreover, computations of chemical speciation of waters showed CO2 partial pressure to be independent of any components of the water-rock system. This means that the studied waters belong to a CO2 open system, with CO2 pressure equal 1.2 atm at the average. The corresponding concentration of CO2*(aq) ≡ H2CO3* = CO2(aq) + H2CO3 is merely the function of temperature and ionic strength of waters and it is varying from 2100 to 3000 mg/kg.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia