Skład chemiczny popiołów geochemiczną przesłanką genezy substancji mineralnej węgli Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego


  • Marian Marczak
  • Lucyna Lewińska-Ochwat


CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF ASHES AS GEOCHEMICAL INDICATOR OF MINERAL MATTER IN COALS IN THE UPPER SILESIAN COAL BASIN Summary The paper presents geochemical interpretation of chemical composition of coal ashes as proposed by J.E. Judowicz. Genetic diagramme of mineral matter in coals is discussed with reference to the concept of two modules - aluminium-silica (M) and calcium-magnesium-iron (K) - as geochemical indices. The variability in hypothetical mineral composition of ashes of coals from the Upper Silesian Coal Basin is presented on the basis of theoretical promises and results of chemical analyses of the ashes. Moreover, some genetic conditions of this variability are indicated.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia