Ewolucja poglądów na genezę i wiek karpackich powierzchni zrównania


  • Witold Zuchiewicz


EVOLUTION OF VIEWS ON ORIGIN AND AGE OF CARPATHIAN PEDIPLANATION SURFACES Summary The present state of studies on the age and origin of Carpathian pediplanation surfaces is discussed at the background of paleogeography of the Carpathians in the Neogene. It is proposed to date the Beskid level at either the Late Badenian or Early Sarmatian, the Intramontane level - at the Pannonian, the Post-montane - at the Romanian, and the Near-valley level - at the Biber, Donau and Gunz stages. Climatic conditions typical of individual stages are found to be unfavourable for prolonged development of pediplanation processes. It follows that the origin of the preserved pediplain fragments has been due to various agents, not excluding marine brasion. Since the Eggerian, there have been marked more than 10 orogenie phases varying in intensity. The phases were accompanied by phases of erosion of the rising orogen: in the Middle Eggerian, Early Eggenburgian, Early Ottnangian, Early and Late Carpathian, Early Moravian, Middle Wielician, Late Kosovian, middle part of Early Sarmatian, Late Sarmatian and Dacian and Romanian. There is emphasized the necessity to initiate collective studies by geologists, geophysicists, geomorphologists and palynologists, which would make possible estimation of the number of pediplanation surfaces, reconstruction of Late Neogene morphogenesis of the Tatra Mts, relating individual pediplanation levels with correlative molasse sediments, and reconstruction of successive stages of overthrusting movements.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia