Skała ultramaficzna z warstw rudzkich rejonu Zebrzydowic (Rybnicki Okręg Węglowy)


  • Leonard Jochemczyk


ULTRAMAFIC ROCK IN THE RUDA BEDS IN THE ZEBRZYDOWICE REGION (RYBNIK COAL REGION) Summary The borehole Zebrzydowice-8 (Rybnik Coal Region) encountered ultramafic rock in the top of dacite-andesite complex and thermically alterated claystones. This is the first record of rock of this type in the Carboniferous of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Microscopic, X-ray and chemical studies showed that this ultramafic rock represents secondarily alterated peridotite, built of chlorite-serpentinite groundmass, phlogopite, bastite, nepheline and opaque minerals. The rock differs in mineral and chemical composition from igneous rocks known from the Carboniferous in western and south-western parts of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia