Budowa geologiczna złoża węgla kamiennego rejonu Gołkowice w świetle rozpoznania do kategorii C2


  • Barbara Kozłowska


GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF BLACK COAL DEPOSIT IN THE GOŁKOWICE REGION IN THE LIGHT OF ITS IDENTIFICATION IN THE MINING CATEGORY C2 Summary Intense geological works carried out in the last years in the Gołkowice area (reserve field of the Moszczenica black coal mine) have been connected with the need to increase resource basis of the active black coal mines. The latest geological surveys supplied some important data on development of the Carboniferous and overlaying rocks and quality of coal. Results of these surveys made it possible to construct model of spatial geological structure of the area and to estimate quality of coal and coal resources in the Carboniferous.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia