Refleksyjne badania tektoniki utworów osadowych i podłoża krystalicznego w regionie Tucholi-Torunia-Nakła


  • Tadeusz Krynicki


REFLECTION SEISMIC SURVEYS ON TECTONICS OF SEDIMENTARY STRATA AND CRYSTALLINE BASEMENT IN THE TUCHOLA-TORUŃ-NAKŁO REGION Summary Depth extent of reflection method became markedly increased in the last years, making possible simultaneous analysis of tectonics of sedimentary strata and consolidated complex of the Barth crust. Analysis of wave image obtained in the course of reflection surveys in contact zones of the platforms in the Tuchola-Toruń-Nakło area showed variability in character of seismic record. The differences include number and intensity of the recorded reflected waves. The variability of the record was subsequently used as criterion for delineating blocks bounded by zones of tectonic disturbances: Depth range and width of these zones were found to be varying. It may be stated that analysis of wave image makes possible differentiation of faults of regional and local range. The obtained data give further support for the relation of structure of sedimentary cover and geological structure of an area, especially tectonics of consolidated basement.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia