Modelowanie hydrogeologiczne Roztocza Zachodniego metodą analogii elektrohydrodynamicznej


  • Jan Malinowski
  • Janusz Fiszer
  • Michał Lesiak


HYDROGEOLOGICAL MODELLING OF THE ROZTOCZE ZACHODNIE AREA WITH THE USE OF ELECTROHYDRODYNAMIC METHOD Summary The paper presents results of hydrogeological modelling of the area of western Roztocze, carried out with the use of electrohydrodynamic analogy method. The area is characterized by groundwater circulation system of the fissure type and the zone of saturation extending down to the depth of 500 m. In the studies there were accepted assumptions of flat model. However, the data obtained after taking measurements appeared to be overestimations as aquifer in complete section of the Cretaceous was assumed to be about 500 m thick and its permeability, therefore, overstimated. This made it necessary to introduce some corrections to the model: water-saturated layer was assumed to vary from 60 to 120 m in thickness and its mean percolation coefficient as equal 10 m (24 h)-1 Results of the second series of measurements appeared only partially coherent as the hulk of them remained too high. However, the corrections introduced to the model showed the reasons of differences in the obtained results. The major reason of the differences was found to be connected with too schematic reconstruction of hydrogeological conditions.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia