Serpentynity i intruzje żyłowe północno- wschodniej części masywu Gogołów-Jordanów


  • Maciej Boduch


SERPENTINITES AND VEIN INTRUSIONS IN NE PART OF THE GOGOŁÓW-JORDANÓW MASSIF Summary The paper deals with serpentinites and vein intrusions from north-eastern part of the Gogołów-Jordanów Massif. Up to the present, no attempt was made to carry out detailed subdivision of serpentinite rocks nor tracing differences in degree of their serpentinization in that area, especially in the vicinities of the Wzgórza Nasławickie hills. The studies made it possible to differentiate 2 types of serpentinite rocks: antigorite serpentinite and antigorite-lizardite serpentinite with admixture of chrysotile. The results of X-ray, thermic and chemical analyses are given.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia