Tektoniczne założenia rynien dolnojurajskich i ich rozprzestrzenienie w północnej części Centralnego Rejonu Węglowego LZW


  • Zofia Szydeł
  • Ryszard Szydeł


TECTONIC FOUNDATIONS AND DISTRIBUTION OF EARLY JURASSIC FURROWS IN NORTHERN PART OF THE CENTRAL COAL REGION Summary The paper presents distribution and thickness of Lower Jurassic rocks. The rocks occur in the form of an infill of deep and narrow (up to 1 km wide) furrows, generally related to major faults found in the Westphalian. The record of these furrows contributes to the knowledge of tectonic structure of Carboniferous massif and it gives further support to the hypothesis of extension of some faults in Mesozoic cover of the deposit, similarly as in the Lvov- Volhynia Basin. Liassic rocks are also important from the point of view of mining so further detailed micropaleontological, sedimentological and geochemical studies appear necessary.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia