Litostratygraficzne podstawy podziału surowcowego kredy górnej z obszaru radomsko-lubelskiego


  • Krystyna Wyrwicka


LITHOSTRATIGRAPHIC PREMISES FOR SUBDIVISION OF UPPER CRETACEOUS RAW MATERIALS IN THE RADOM-LUBLIN AREA Summary The paper presents some questions connected with methods of regional studies on rock raw materials at the example of Upper Cretaceous deposits in the Radom - Lublin region. Three categories of raw material units - series complexes and assemblages - are differentiated in the Radom - Lublin region on the basis of data on facies variability and lithostratigraphy. The series is the basic higher-order raw material unit which may be shown in a map on the basis of paleogeographic data and those on geological structure in the region. In the Upper Cretaceous section there are differentiated two series differing in origin and economic usability: limestone-siliceous and limestone series. The former is characterized by predominance of opokas and, locally, gaizes, smaller share of marls and subordinate of limestones. The limestone series comprises chalk and limestones whereas the share of marls is subordinate. Boundaries of the series appear transversal in relation to those of chronostratigraphic units. That is why the knowledge of facies conditions in Upper Cretaceous sections throughout the area appeared undispensible for delineating extent of the series. Delineation of series boundaries at early stage of prospecting appears highly important for appropriate selection of directions of further works. Complex is a lower-order unit which may be presented in a map but appears not always traceable in a wide area. Such units were differentiated on the basis of changes in mutual relations between individual rock varieties or appearance of a new variety in either subordinate or dominating form. The changes which may be neglected in delineation of series are found to be important for delineating boundaries of complexes. Assemblage may represent an equivalent of one or more complexes of the same economic value, established on the basis of quality criteria of the industry. In the Upper Cretaceous section there were differentiated assemblages of three categories: building-cement, cement and cement-chalk.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia