Problematyka geologii środowiskowej na Ziemi Lubelskiej


  • Stefan Kozłowski


PROBLEMS OF ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY OF THE LUBLIN REGION Summary The present, successive Annual Meeting of the Polish Geological Society in Lublin creates an opportunity to analyse developments and achievements in studies in the field of economic management of resources of mineral raw materials discovered in this part of the country. The creation of the Lublin mining center is highly important for national economy. The center has been located in agricultural area and at the same time in zone highly valuable from the point of view of natural science, which resulted in marked interest of natural scientists and others. Documentation of raw material deposit when carried out without taking into account questions of natural science, cannot be treated as sufficient for taking decisions on location of a mining works. Up to the present no attempts were made to evaluate ecological losses related to creation of the Lublin mining center but it is known that costs of exploitation of coal will be high. Besides the above mentioned coal mining center, there has been also created Chełm-Rejowiec center of exploitation of carbonate raw materials in the Lublin region. The ex tent of the latter comprises a part of the Chełm Landscape Park. In order to avoid degradation of natural environment (which is the case of the Lublin Coal Basin) in taking decisions to begin exploitation of new deposits, it should be kept in mind that raw materials represent a part of nature resources only. It follows that the studies should cover the whole environment in which a given deposit occurs. The present meeting of the Polish Geological Society in the Lublin region creates an opportunity to emphasize the growing role and significance of widely understood environmental geology.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia