Analiza morfologiczna czarnych ziarn kulistych wydzielonych z frakcji magnetycznej gruntu w miejscu tunguskiej katastrofy (1908)
MORPHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF BLACK SPHERICAL GRAINS SEPARATED FROM MAGNETIC FRACTION OF SOIL FROM THE SITE OF THE TUNGUSKA CATASTROPHY (1908) Summary The present state of knowledge of black spherical grains separated from magnetic fraction of soil from the site of the Tunguska catastrophy (1908) is discussed. SEM studies on morphology of the grains made it possible to differentiate the following morphological types : a) grains with compact smooth surface, b) with surface decorated with numerous spherulitic fines and fine irregular grains, c) with surface of regolith type, d) with surface with mosaic fabric, and e) with surface with astrakhan-like coating. It is found that physical changes of Tunguska meteorite body could result in origin of grains of the morphological types b and c only.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia