Współczesne utwory caliche w okolicach Udżdy (NE Maroko)


  • Hubert Sylwestrzak


MODERN CALICHE DEPOSITS IN THE VICINITIES OF OUJDA (MAROCCO) Summary In the studied area, caliche deposits are found to be developed on basalts and basalt tuffs, granites, clastic alluvial, slope and piedmont deposits, coastal dune sands as well as in subsurface parts and fissures in carbonate rocks and on older caliche covers. It is generally possible to differentiate two genetic types of caliche deposits here: - illuvial or accretional caliche, formed with contribution of vertical or lat era I migration of solutions; and - weathering caliche, formed in result of in situ transformation of bedrock material. Figures 1 - 7 show examples of caliche deposits of the former type, and Figs. 8 - 10 - examples of those of the latter type. Caliche covers are generally disadvantageous for geological studies. Oscillatory, upward movement of solutions responsible for origin of the bulk of deposits of that type makes it possible to assume presence of some geochemical anomalies in these covers.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia