Paleogeńskie węgle brunatne i mułowce węgliste w otworze Goleniów IG-2 w Zielonczynie, woj . szczecińskie


  • Edward Ciuk


PALEOGENE BROWN COALS AND COALLY MUDSTONES IN THE BOREHOLE GOLENIÓW IG-2, AT ZIELONCZYN (SZCZECIN VOIVODESHIP) Summary In the borehole column Goleniów IG-2, made at Zielenczyn (Szczecin voivodeship) in 1980, humolites (brown coals and coally mudstones) have been found in the Lower, Middle and(?) Upper Eocene. These phytogenic sediments are autochtoneous and paralic in character, showing peripheral, nearshore nature of marine Eocene basin in this part of Poland. Lower Eocene coal series, 24.8 m thick, was found at the depth 378.6 -403.4 m. It comprises 4 layers of brown coals, 0.3 to 4.4 m thick, separated by coally mudstones. In the Middle Eocene, a layer of clayey brown coals, 0.3 m thick, was found at the depth 317.2 m, and in (?) Upper Eocene, coal series comprising brown coal layer 0.5 m thick, coally clays and similar shales, 2.9 m in thickness, was found at the depth 291.7-294.6 m. Brown coals found in the Eocene in the borehole column Goleniów IG-2 belong to energy coals with increased content of ash and rich in sulfur and salt. The amounts of prae-tar and bitumens are negligible. This, together with large depth at which they occur, makes them unimportant from the point of view of economy.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia