Warunki stateczności ścian w kamieniołomie gabra „Braszowice" na tle szczelinowatości masywu


  • Stanisław Frelkiewicz
  • Piotr Kijewski
  • Wojciech Salski


CONDITIONS OF WALL STABILITY IN THE BRASZOWICE GABBRO QUARRY AT THE BACKGROUND OF FRACTURING OF ROCK MASSIF Summary Tectonic measurements, taken in the Braszowice gabbro quarry, made it possible to define block character of rock massif. Moreover, there was estimated width of intensively disturbed zone which determined stability of quarry wall. The stability of quarry wall was estimated with the use of analythical method, taking into account limit equilibrium conditions for elementary rock block. This made it possible to draw some conclusions concerning the safest directions of exploitation and optimum height for walls in the quarry. The Authors emphasize the necessity to introduce new methods of laboratory studies and the need to use analythical and numerical methods for solving current problems in open-strip mining.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia