Zastosowanie metody grawimetrycznej do badania budowy utworów czwartorzędowych na obszarze zagłębienia Szeszupy na Suwalszczyźnie


  • Czesław Królikowski


THE USE OF GRAVITY METHOD IN STUDIES ON QUATERNARY DEPOSITS AT THE EXAMPLE OF THE SZESZUPA DEPRESSION IN THE SUWAŁKI REGION Summary The paper presents results of the combined use of gravity and electric resistance methods in surveys on structure of Quaternary deposits. There are given density characteristics of Quaternary deposits in the studied area and the results of analysis of relations between gravity field and apparent electric resistance. Increased electric resistance was usually found to correspond to negative gravity anomalies and vice versa. The recorded gravity anomalies were subsequently compared with photogeological map of subsurface deposits. No unequivocal correlation was found between either positive anomalies and tills cropping out at the surface or negative anomalies and occurrences of peats and muds. Nevertheless, the data analysed in this way make it often possible to draw some conclusions on spatial distribution of certain Quaternary deposits. In order to evaluate effectiveness of the used method, the obtained gravity image was compared with borehole data. The comparison showed geophysical conclusions to be fairly accurate. It is concluded that the combined use of gravity and electric resistance methods supplies new data on structure of Quaternary deposits, especially in the case when the deposits are highly varying in lithology.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia