Środowisko powstania polihalitów cechsztyńskich w rejonie Zatoki Puckiej


  • Antoni Pizon
  • Tadeusz Marek Peryt
  • Józef Dębski


ON THE DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENT OF THE ZECHSTEIN POLYHALITES OF THE PUCK BAY REGION Summary Polyhalite-bearing series of the Puck Bay region originated in a shallow sedimentary environment which has been temporarily emerged. Consequently, sulphate deposits have been eroded during the deposition of the Lower Anhydrite and Oldest Halite. Intra-anhydrite polyhalites which originated on sulphate platforms, are contemporaneous with the lower part of the pure halites which have been accumulated in the basins, and the origin of intra-halite polyhalites is related to the increased influence of the land which led to the start of the impure halite deposition in small salinas. Accordingly, polyhalite deposits of the Puck Bay region may be regarded as a facies equivalent of the Oldest Halite, and because of a very shallow depositional environment the shape of polyhalite accumulation may be much more irregular than in was accepted in the documentations of Instytut Geologiczny.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia