Problemy genetyczne-złożowe polihalitów permskich na wyniesieniu Łeby (Zatoki Puckiej


  • Tadeusz Osmólski


GENETIC-DEPOSIT QUESTIONS OF PERMIAN POLYHALITES FROM THE ŁEBA ELEVATION (PUCK EMBAYMENT) Summary The Geological Institute drillings, carried out in the Łeba Elevation area under supervision of Z. Werner and J. Orska, were aimed at proving polyhalite deposits. The drillings, most intensively made in the years 1964-1974, supplied vast amount of geological data highly important for solving genetic-deposit questions connected with the strata. In 1975 J. Poborski presented an attempt to interpret the strata. He introduced concepts of „descendant salts" and polyhalites of karst origin, with all the deposit-mining implications of such genetic explanation. The results obtained by J. Poborski showed the necessity to continue the studies as well as importance of the genetic questions. The vivid developments in sedimentology and geochemistry in the last decade, including isotope methods (i.e. those using stable isotopes of sulfur, carbon, oxigen, and hydrogen), made it possible to work out new research methods subsequently used in extensive studies on origin of the strata by the Geological Institute team in the years 1982-1984. The studies showed that the so-called descendant salts are actually primary, and polyhalites - synsedimentary deposits, formed in marginal facies in areas of shoals. It should be also noted that no evidence for karst phenomena has been found. Moreover, more accurate methods of studies were worked out and a reliable method of quantitative estimation of polyhalite deposit and explanation of mining conditions was developed. The use of the latter showed that the mining conditions do riot speak against exploitation of the deposit. However, it is concluded that further studies on the deposit are necessary.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia