Możliwość identyfikacji pokładów węgla na podstawie diagramów litotypów
POSSIBILITIES OF IDENTIFICATION OF COAL LAYERS ON THE BASIS OF LITHOTYPE DIAGRAMS Summary The paper presents a method for correlating coal layers. The method, based on macroscopic description of section of a layer, involves tracing variability of coals from the base to top of layer and compilation of diagram. Such diagram is drawn taking into account relations between thickness of layer and composition of lithotype. Diagrams compiled in this way are subsequently compared with one another to trace similarities of curves. Assuming that the lithotype composition reflects differences in subsidence in time, it may be stated that curves of the same layer should be similar to one another. The method has been tested on selected coal layers in the Wałbrzych Beds (Lower Silesian Coal Basin). The tests showed that this method of correlation may give good results even in the case of so highly carbonized and tectonically disturbed layers as the above mentioned.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia