Teledetekcja geologiczna w Polsce i na świecie


  • Józef Bażyński
  • Marek Graniczny
  • Witold Cezariusz Kowalski


GEOLOGICAL REMOTE SENSING IN POLAND AND THE WORLD Summary The beginning of the remote sensing and its position in geological sciences and technics in Poland and in the World have been discussed, especially its achievements, which had been presented during the 27-th Session of the International Geological Congress in 1984. From the consideration and evaluation of the geological remote sensing presented above one can draw the following conclusions: l - The remote sensing started to be nowadays the method widely applied in geological research on the global and regional scale, as well as in deposit, hydrogeological and engineering prospecting in larger scales; 2 - The geological remote sensing allows quick and cheap interpretation of geological phenomena, which appear on the Earth surface, both static and dynamic, altering through weeks, months and years; 3 - throughout the last years delay in the remote sensing development has been recovered and now the geological remote sensing in Poland are comparable . with those obtained abroad.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia