Perspektywy wykorzystania ciepła wód podziemnych z utworów mezozoicznych Wielkopolski


  • Wojciech Biedrzycki


POSSIBILITIES OF USE OF HEAT OF MESOZOIC THERMAL WATERS IN THE WIELKOPOLSKA REGION Summary Heat from thermal waters can be used for wide range of purposes, e.g.: soil warming, animal husbandry, greenhouses, balneological baths, space-heating and even refrigeration. A lot of examples of utilization of low temperature energy from, thermal waters are shown in table 1. Locations of positive anomalies of geothermal gradient and earth heat flow are shown in fig. 1. One can see, that several positive anomalies are situated in the Wielkopolska region. A simple geological model of the geothermal aquifer near Poznań was presented in fig. 2. Meteoric water and ground waters mix with subsurface waters in deeper layers in different proportions. Such processes take place near salt structures, where the earth crust is fractured and crashed, because of its tectonical and neotectonical movements. Salt has very high heat conductivity (range 5.44 -7.12 Mm -10C-1), what provides very good heat conduction from magmatic rocks to aquifer through. salt structures. The thermal waters are useful for low temperature heating and balneologie purposes, due to relatively low mineralization, capacity of overflowing wells to 100 m3/h and temperatures between 40-60°C. Exploration of thermal waters with higher temperature useful for space-heating purposes, however, could be reached on areas close connected with salt stuctures. Such problems as: capacity of wells, salinity of water, corrosion and minerals depositing determined practical using of thermal waters for space-heating.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia