Uwagi o trzeciorzędowych osadach spływów błotnych w odkrywce kopalni węgla brunatnego „Bełchatów"


  • Grzegorz Jacek Nowak


REMARKS ON TERTIARY MUD-FLOW SEDIMENTS IN THE BEŁCHATÓW OPEN-CAST BROWN COAL MINE Summary Tertiary Kleszczów Trough, in which the Bełchatów brown-coal open-cast mine is situated, is infilled with Tertiary sediments. Miocene coal-bearing strata which form the Bełchatów brown-coal deposit are separated from the Pliocene by an erosional surface (4), additionally accentuated by presence of debris of flints and limestones coming from Mesozoic bedrock. According to E. Ciuk and M. Piwocki (4), the sediments intertongue with weathering sediments similar in petrographic character, forming together a thick complex of coarse-clastic sediments (6). E. Ciuk and M. Piwocki (4) and L. Kasza and others (6) assigned these sediments to the Pliocene. From the point of view of lithology, the sediments represent a mixture of clay, silty, and sandy materials (in varying proportions), in which are embedded numerous fragments of local Mesozoic siliceous and carbonate rocks. Taking into account their lithological character, the sediments were named as debris-silty and assigned to paraconglomerates in the F.J. Pettijohn (Il) classification. The analysis made it possible to interpret the sediments as belonging to alluvial fans, originating in result of mud flows. With reference to horizontal variability in lithological character and position of these sediments in the Tertiary section, attempt was made to reconstruct distribution of Pliocene alluvial fans in area of the Bełchatów brown-coal open-cast mine. It was found that the fans stretch in S-N direction. The nature of these sediments gives further support to the S.Z. Różycki (12) statement about predominance of arid warm climate with seasonal rainfalls in area of Poland in Pliocene times.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia