lmbrykacja polimodalna w osadach plaży wewnętrznej okolic Juraty


  • Jan W. Zamorski


POLYMODAL IMBRICATIONS IN INNER BEACH SEDIMENTS IN VICINITIES OF JURATA, HEL PENINSULA Summary Orientation of pebbles in beach sediments has been studied in trenches 0.90 m deep. The studies showed that planes of the maximum cross-section of pebbles (AB) are varying in orientation and inclination. NE directions of dip of the planes predominate, which may be explained as due to such orientation of current of onwash of storm wave. The remaining appear related to direction of backwash current and currents of waves reflected at the base of dune cliff. Inclination of the planes AB is usually (i.e. when Sp equals Sf) not greater than about a dozen degrees. Higher inclinations (up to 45°) are related to reorientation of pebbles due to redeposition into erosional depressions. Results of the studies are shown in the form of rose vector diagram of inclinations of the planes AB and, indirectly, in con tour diagram by means of plotting of orientations of the axis C. Results of the analysis of imbrication of pebbles appear useful as indices of geometry of sedimentary basin and sedimentary conditions.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia