Wykorzystanie badań teledetekcyjnych do poszukiwań wód termalnych i mineralnych na przykładzie masywu granitowego Karkonoszy


  • Stanisław Doktór
  • Marek Graniczny
  • Magdalena Wiśniewska


THE USE OF TELEDETECTION METHOD IN SEARCH FOR THERMAL AND MINERAL WATERS AT THE EXAMPLE OF THE KARKONOSZE GRANITE MASSIF Summary Comparison of data on groundwater chemistry and tectonic elements of the Karkonosze granite massif suggests presence of zones characterized by increased values of selected hydrochemical indices in areas of increased frequency and intensity of fractures in crystalline rocks. In turn, results of interpretations of satellite photos show high concordance of photolineament azimuths and the hitherto identified tectonic lines. The network of major lineaments is characterized by directions NNE - SSW, NE - SW, and NW - SE. So oriented photolineaments attain over 20 km in length, being often traceable in cover rocks beyond the granite. Comparisons of the interpreted photolineaments and perspective areas of occurrence of thermal waters, delineated on the basis of field studies, show possibility to use the former in tracing zones of higher probability of occurrence of thermal waters in that area. It seems that the proposed method of delineating perspective areas of occurrence of deep-circulating waters at the stage of designing a search may make the works less time-consuming and reduce their costs.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia