Rozwój sedymentacji permu i pstrego piaskowca w rejonie grzbietu Lublińca


  • Anna Morawska


DEVELOPMENT OF SEDIMENTATION OF THE PERMIAN AND BUNTSANDSTEIN IN THE LUBLINIEC RIDGE AREA Summary The Lubliniec ridge represents the northernmost Paleozoic structural element of margin of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. This is a fold element with axial zone (passing between Lubliniec and Ślężany) built of Lower Paleozoic rocks, and cover - of the Devonian and Carboniferous. The presence of this element is especially well marked in thickness distribution of Permian and Buntsandstein rocks. Development of these sediments shows that the element was elevated in the Permian - Middle Buntsandstein times, acting as northern margin of a wide upland area subjected to erosion. Is acted as a morphological barrier, at the. foot of which thick clastic series were accumulating. The ridge and upland area stretching SE of it became gradually flooded by marine transgression in the Rhot times.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia