O wieku piasków z Fromborka


  • Andrzej Bluszcz
  • Mieczysław Pazdur


ON THE AGE OF „SANDS FROM THE FROMBORK SECTION" Summary The authors call in question the results of TL dating of sands from the profile in Frombork, quoted by L. Lindner (5). These results are in serious error due to nonlinear response of TL, which was not accounted for in simplified additive method of TL dating. Experimental evidence for nonlinear behaviour of TL is presented and the effects of nonlinearity on the results of TL dating are estimated. The authors describe then in details the "regeneration method" used by them and quote TL dates of three sand samples. The results indicate that the sands from the Frombork section were deposited during the Eemian interglacial. It is concluded that special care is needed in evaluation of the validity of TL dates. This dating controversy indicates also that all TL dates should be quoted with complete laboratory documentation according to the earlier proposal of the authors (2).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia