Propozycja formalnego podziału stratygraficznego utworów wypełniających depresję północnosudecką


  • Jerzy Milewicz


A PROPOSAL OF FORMAL STRATIGRAPHIC SUBDIVISION OF THE INFILL OF THE NORTH SUDETIC DEPRESSION Summary The paper presents a proposal of formal lithostratigraphic nomenclature for strata of the North-Sudetic Depression, and location of individual stratotypes. Strata of the Stephanian and cycle I of the Rotliegendes are assigned to the Stara Kraśnica Formation. The name Rząśnik Formation is proposed for strata of the cycle II of the Rotliegendes, for which Karnkowski proposed the Wielisław Formation, and Pokorski - the Formation II A. The Płuczki Formation is proposed for strata of the IIIrd cycle of the Rotliegendes, assigned by Karnkowski to the Bolesławiec Formation, and by Pokorski to two formations: II C and II D. Zechstein strata are assigned to the Niwnice member, on account of their untypical development. The name Radłówka Formation is proposed for strata of the Lower and Middle Buntsandstein, i.e. those corresponding to the Formation 3 of Szyperko-Śliwczyńska. The formal subdivision from the Fore-Sudetic Monocline may be adapted for the Rhot and Muschelkalk, except for the Rhot and Myophoria Beds, for which the Raciborowice Formation is proposed here. Similarly, the formal subdivision elaborated for the Keuper of western Poland by Senkowiczowa, may be used for coeval strata of the North-Sudetic Depression. Moreover, it is proposed to assign Cretaceous strata to three formation: Rakowice Wielkie Marly Formation, Węgliniec Mudstone Formation and Czerna Sandstone-Clay Formation.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia