Forma owalna Jawora i jej implikacje geologiczne i metalogeniczne
OVAL FORM AND ITS GEOLOGICAL AND METALLOGENIC IMPLICATIONS Summary The paper presents three hypotheses of origin of Jawor oval form, the hitherto unknown but very clearly visible in satellite imagery. An attempt is made to show that origin of that form appears best explainable as due to a deep igneous intrusion. The area of the Jawor oval form may be treated as a junction characterized by cyclically repeated intense tectonic movements, and igneous and volcanic phenomena. A marked vertical extent of mineralization (especially barite mineralization), increase in fluorite content along with depth, and appearance of As and Sn admixtures in deeper-seated parts of quartz-siderite veins seem to indicate a vertical mineralization sequence: from high-temperature mineralization at large depths to medium- and low-temperature at the present erosional surface. Therefore, it may be assumed that the present metallogenic image, presence of volcano-tectonic depressions, and the Jawor oval form are genetically related to the same factor, i.e. presence of a large igneous body at large depths. The image obtained in result of interpretation of satellite photos implicates necessity to change approach in further prospecting works in this area. In this way the Jawor oval form becomes one more example of purposefulness of the use of satellite in overall interpretation of the known geological facts also in areas geology of which is fairly well understood.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia