Stratygrafia dewońskiej serii węglanowej z kilku wierceń w rejonie Lublina


  • Hanna Matyja
  • Barbara Żbikowska


STRATIGRAPHY OF DEVONIAN CARBONATE SEQUENCE IN BOREHOLE SECTIONS IN THE LUBLIN AREA Summary Within Upper Devonian carbonate rocks found in a few drillings in the Lublin region (Fig. 1) eight lithostratigraphic units have been distinguished and described (from base to top - see also Fig. 2): - Mordyń Formation (fm), further subdivided into four informal units of a lower rank: crypto- and fine- crystalline dolomites nonfossiliferous and with cryptoalgal structures and relics of evaporites (A), stromatoporoid-coral limestones (B), marly limestones with flat and parallel lamination (C), and nodular limestones D; - Bychawa Formation (fm) - marls and marly limestones with flat parallel lamination; - Firley Formation (fm) - nodular limestones; and - Hulcza Formation (fm) - calcareous sandstones, limestones, sandy dolomites, marls, and mudstones (often variegated). Conodonts found in the above rocks, although in numerous, made it possible to identify some conodont zones, from the Lower Polygnathus varcus zone up to ? Scaphignathus velifer zone (Fig. 2 and Tables I-III). Moreover, lithological members of the Modryń Formation have been found to be heterochronous (see Fig. 2).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia