Anizotropia przepuszczalności górnokredowych piaskowców progu Radkowa (Sudety Środkowe)


  • Jurand Wojewoda


DIRECTIONAL ANISOTROPY OF UPPER CRETACEOUS SANDSTONES OF THE RADKÓW BLUFF (INTRASUDETIC BASIN) Summary Directional permeability of Upper Cretaceous sandstones of the Radków Bluff (Intrasudetic Basin) was measured using gas-permeameter. Two structural facies of these sediments (giant-scale cross-bedded sdts: sample 1 to 8, and large-scale cross-beddes sdts: samples 9 and 10, reveal a-, b- /c- and S, N(D)/G type of permeability anisotropy, respectively. Vectors of the maximum permeability correspond to the syndepositional paleoflow direction. Non-bedded (massive) sandstones (samples 11 to 15) show G, D/W type of permeability anisotropy, presumably in result of strong bioturbation.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia