Krawędź platformy węglanowej dolomitu płytowego na wyniesieniu Łeby


  • Andrzej Gąsiewicz


A MARGIN OF THE PLATY DOLOMITE CARBONATE PLATFORM AT THE ŁEBA ELEVATION Summary A carbonate platform originated at the Łeba Elevation in times of sedimentation of the Platy Dolomite. Marginal zone of the platform was separating two major paleogeographic zones: shallow and wide inner shelf and a deeper, open-sea basin. Sediments originating in that zone mainly included laminoids typical of shelf, and sandy, mainly oolitic sediments typical of marginal platform zone. Sedimentation of these strata was cyclic in character. Each cycle consists of a lower transgressive (laminoidal) member, representing a deep environment, and a upper, regressive (sandy) one, representing somewhat shallower and higher-energy environment. Top parts of several cycles appear additionally accentuated by intense development of phenomena of solution and cementation under fresh-water conditions. Five such cycles may be differentiated in the Platy Dolomite. They correspond to successive infillings of the basin, often up to the sea level, followed by eustatic rise of the level and increase in production of carbonates.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia