Grubookruchowe osady czerwonego spągowca w rejonie siewiersko-olkuskim w świetle nowych badań


  • Hubert Kiersnowski
  • Anna Maliszewska


COARSE-CLASTIC ROTLIEGENDES SEDIMENTS OF THE SIEWIERZ-OLKUSZ REGION IN THE LIGHT OF NEW DATA Summary The paper presents results of sedimentological and petrographic studies on core material of Permian rocks from two wide tectonic depressions, Podwarpie and Bolesław basins, at NE margin of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (Fig. 1). There are described unequal-grained, fine- and medium- and, sometimes, coarse-grained conglomerates characterized by poorly sorted and angular detrital material. The facies of porphyry-carbonate conglomerates with small share of fragments of detrital rocks is the major here but there were also found some porphyry-tuffaceous conglomerates. The studies show supply of detrital material from destruction of Rotliegendes volcanic covers and rocks of Carboniferous, Devonian and Silurian ages, forming basement and margins of the above mentioned depressions. Formation of the conglomerates has been related to two episodes of the Saalic tectonic phase. The conglomerates, reaching up to ca. 500 m in thickness, represent only a part of original Permian cover. They are interpreted as sediments of alluvial fans superimposed on one another. Repeated changes in direction of transport of detrital material are shown by marked differentiation in lithological composition of pebbles (including those of acid and basic lavas) in neighboring borehole columns or even in single ones.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia