Gazonośność rejonu Lubin-Głogów


  • Leszek Bojarski
  • Marian Chandij
  • Irena Stasik


GAS POTENTIAL OF THE LUBIN-GŁOGÓW Summary The area covered by works connected with documentation of copper deposits in SW part of the Fore-Sudetic Monocline directly contacts those in which gas deposits have been discovered in the last years. This indicates gas hazard for both active mines in the Sieroszowice region and designed mines in the Głogów region. The gas hazard has been estimated taking into account the available geological, tectonic, hydrochemical and hydrodynamic data and direct and indirect -evidence for presence of hydrocarbons. This made it possible to show areas of the recorded and potentially possible, possible, and hardly possible occurrences of hydrocarbons in the map (Fig.). First large accumulations of hydrocarbons, hazardous for mining works, may be expected in northern, deep parts of the Sieroszowice copper mines. The hazard should markedly increase towards the Głogów area.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia