Współczynnik różnorodności NDI i jego zastosowanie w naukach geologicznych


  • Stefan Witold Alexandrowicz


NORMALIZED DIVERSITY INDEX (NDI) AND ITS USE IN GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES Summary Normalized diversity index (NDI) is useful in evaluating diversity or homogeneity of fossil assemblages, expressed by structure of domination. It is normalized and its values are varying from 0 to 1. In calculations 0 indicates a homogeneous, unicomponent assemblage, and 1 - the maximum diversity of an assemblage, in which each component is represented by a single element only (e.g. each species by one specimen). Comparisons of relations between the above defined index and that of Shannon and Weaver showed that they give comparable and quite equivalent results but the former appears much simpler to calculate.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia