Wyniki interpretacji zdjęć satelitarnych i lotniczych na przykładzie Bełchatowskiego Obszaru Węglowego


  • Marek Graniczny


RESULTS OF INTERPRETATION OF SATELLITE AND AERIAL PHOTOS AT THE EXAMPLE OF THE BEŁCHATÓW COAL REGION Summary The paper presents results of complex analysis of various remote sensing materials for the Bełchatów area. Comparisons of results of photointerpretation showed that the same major photolineaments are traceable in satellite, aerial and radar photos. Two major directions found in the Bełchatów area, NW-SE (130°-150°) and ENE - WSW ( 50°-70°), are consistent with the course of dislocations as shown in some geological maps. The major photolineaments also correspond to the azimuths of joint measured in Mesozoic strata. The increased seismic activity in the Bełchatów area may be related to the NW-SE system or a crossing of the two regional systems: NWSE and ENE-WSW. The Bełchatów trough is not reflected by any clearly marked zone of photolineaments which suggests that this structure is of a polygenic nature and its origin resulting from an overlap of a number of various tectonic directions. The analysis of photointerpretation data shows marked tectonic activity of the trough as well as a continuation of these processes nowadays.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia