Wpływ podłoża na skład minerałów ciężkich gliny zwałowej zlodowacenia Odry ha Wyżynie Małopolskiej


  • Roman Chlebowski
  • Leszek Lindner


INFLUENCE OF BEDROCK ON HEAVY MINERALS COMPOSITION IN A TILL OF THE ODRA GLACIATION IN THE MAŁOPOLSKA UPLAND Summary Preliminary results are presented of studies over a bedrock influence on heavy minerals composition in a till. The investigations deal with a till of the maximum (Kamienna) stadial of the Odra (older Middle-Polish) Glaciation in the northwestern Małopolska Upland (Figs 1-5). This till is underlain by a bedrock of varying lithology and age (fluvial sands, Liassic sandstones, Triassic sandstones, Albian sandstones and glacifluvial sands) what favours the undertaken works. A spatial variation of heavy mineral composition was noted in a till, resembling a content of these minerals in the bedrock (Fig. 2), especially amidst the most resistant minerals that easily penetrate from bedrock weathering wastes into a till. Besides, a heavy mineral composition of the latter is enriched with minerals transported from further and nearer bedrock (Table). The analysis of heavy minerals composition can be applied to correlative investigations of tills and to defining the lithostratigraphic criteria in the only case when similar analysis for the bedrock is done.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia