Perspektywy poprawy efektywności grawimetrii w poszukiwaniach naftowych w obszarach o skomplikowanym modelu strukturalno-gęstościowym nadkładu
PERSPECTIVES OF INCREASE OF EFFECTIVENESS OF GRAVIMETRY IN SEARCH FOR OIL AREAS WITH COMPLEX STRUCTURAL-DENSITY MODEL OF OVERBURDEN Summary Complexites of structural-density model of cover rock impede interpretations of gravimetric data in major part of perspective areas of Poland. When this is the case, differentiation of anomalous fields appears not much effective despite of use of various methods of transformations of the measured anomalies as gravity effect of disturbing bodies from the cover still remains in the image of relic anomalies. The presented examples show that the geological interpretation of gravimetric data may be made more effective when the stripping method is used.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia