Litostratygrafia osadów dinantu Pomorza


  • Stanisław Lech


LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE DINANTIAN IN POMERANIA Summary The paper presents a detail subdivision of the Dinantian of the synclinorium and northern part of the Pomeranian anticlinorium in to lithological "series", made taking into account some of the previously differentiated lithostratigraphic complexes. Brief lithological descriptions of "series" are given along with remarks on facies development and some examples of correlations of the selected sections of the Dinantian. The arbitrary boundary of the Devonian and Carboniferous is placed at the base of one of such characteristics series. It was also found that rocks of the uppermost Strunian and Dinantian represent a transgressive- regressive cycle. The uppermost series of that cycle may be regarded as an equivalent of the paralic coal-bearing association.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia