Zmiany diagenetyczne w osadach saksonu środkowej części monokliny przedsudeckiej i ich wpływ na własności zbiornikowe


  • Marek Muszyński
  • Wanda Rydzewska


DIAGENETIC CHANGES AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON RESERVOIR PROPERTIES OF SAXONIAN ROCKS IN CENTRAL PART OF THE FORE-SUDETIC MONOCLINE Summary Processes of diagenesis of Saxonian rocks took place in several stages. The first of these stages was connected with changes of the least resistant minerals such as feldspars and micas. Illitization, the process most active at that stage, resulted in origin of a few varieties of illites. The mineral is accompanied by iron and iron-magnesium chlorites. The process of kaolinitization was also important, leading to origin of a few varieties of kaolinite. The processes of silification and carbonatization were taking place at all the stages of lithogenesis of Saxonian rocks. The effects of individual processes on reservoir properties of Saxonian rocks should be treated as a net result of original composition of these rocks, physico-chemical conditions, and advancement of diagenetic changes.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia