Stratoidalne złoże cyny w Górach Izerskich


  • Lesław Teper


STRATA-BOUND TIN DEPOSIT IN THE GÓRY IZERSKIE MTS Summary The tin deposit from the Stara Kamienica Slaty Range (western Sudetes) is of the strata-bound type. The mineralization originated mainly due to tectonic processes (orogenie subtype, hydrothermal environment) and the deposit is epigenetic in character. The mechanisms of mineralization involved healing of fissures and metasomatosis. Metals were supplied by residual solutions coming from deep- seated magmas and middle lithosphere. The mode of rise of the metal-transporting fluids may be interpreted as hypogene migration of gaseous and liquid phases, taking place due to compressional folding in the course of tectonic movements. These features make possible assignation of the Izera deposit to the formation of tin pegmatites, veins and impregnations (1 ), in which deposits originate due to the processes of impregnation and mineral transformations in siliceous rocks, and development of veins in poorly reacting rocks, with contribution of hydrothermal processes.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia