Fałd Wrzosówki a pozycja tektoniczna gnejsów masywu Radochowa (metamorfik Śnieżnika)


  • Jerzy Don
  • Zenon Wiśniowski


THE WRZOSÓWKA FOLD VERSUS TECTONIC POSITION OF THE RADOCHÓW MASSIF GNEISSES (ŚNIEŻNIK METAMORFIC AREA) Summary In connection with still existing differences in interpretation of tectonic position of large gneiss massifs of the Śnieżnik metamorphic area, we made an attempt to reconstruct the nature of a small but very well exposed Wrzosówka fold . The analysis involved the use of geometric and structural' methods. The fold may be treated as a model one. It is strongly squeezed and overturned to SE. Gneisses occur in core part of anticline, and schists of the Stronie Series - in core of syncline. The axis of the anticline, with orientation consistent with that of linear structures of the rodding type, plunges to SW at the mean angle equal 5°, and is slightly undulated transversally. The anticlinal form of occurrence of the Wrzosówka gneisses has direct implications for interpretation of those of the Radochów Massif (as the former represent an extension of the latter) and indirect ones for those of the Gierałtów Massif. Therefore, the presented conclusions may appear important for both local and regional studies.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia