O genezie wód chlorkowych w Karpatach fliszowych - polemicznie


  • Paweł M. Leśniak
  • Jan Dowgiałło


ON ORIGIN OF M1NERALIZED CHLORIDE WATERS IN THE FLYSCH CARPATHIANS Summary The paper contradicts the opm1ons concerning the origin of mineralized chloride waters in the Flysch Carpathians, recently published by A. Zuber and J. Grabczak (1985). These authors basing on determinations of oxygen and hydrogen stable isotopes carne to the conclusion that, in principle, waters under consideration are mixtures of two genetic components: meteoric (recent and ancient) waters and metamorphic waters, i.e. waters released from clayey minerals during low-grade metamorphism. At the same time they contest the views of the undersigned, according to whom Carpathian chloride waters contain a third component, namely marine connate water. The approach of the above mentioned authors- is shown ~o be one-sided. lt has been solely based on the isotopic data, without paying appropriate attention to water chemistry and geology of the area. Therefore, the obtained results appear unreliable, e.g. the assumptions of occurrence of 100% metamorphic waters near surface, availability of such waters for sampling, or acquisition of • chlorides by these waters through leaching of flysch rocks. It may be also shown that the critical comments on several papers, especially those by Leśniak (1980), Dowgiałło and Leśniak (1980), and Dowgiałło (1980), given by the above mentioned authors (Zuber and Grabczak, 1985), are poorly documented and based on assumptions different than those adopted in these papers and a wrongly constructed drawing.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia