Geneza strefowości występowania minerałów strontu i baru w złożach siarki Piaseczno-Machów-Jeziórko


  • Tadeusz Osmólski


ORIGIN OF ZONALITY IN DISTRIBUTION OF STRONTIUM AND BARIUM IN THE PIASECZNO-MACHÓW-JEZIÓRKO SULFUR DEPOSITS Summary A large collection of minerals (a few thousands specimens) was gathered in the course of studies on sulfur deposits from exposures at Piaseczno and Machów, and drillings from the vicinities of Jeziórko, Grzybów, Czarkowy, Posądza, Swoszowice and Pszów-Kokoszyce, carried out from 1960. The collection comprises crystals of calcite, aragonite, post-aragonite calcite pseudomorphoses, sulfur, celestine, strontianite, barite and barite nodules, primary and secondary gypsum, pyrite, marcasite, and amber. Some zones of distribution of minerals of calcium, strontium and barium were delineated after plotting their occurrences in the plan of the Machów mine. The zones, differing in composition of mineral assemblages, appear parallel to the outcrops of the deposit. The paper presents an explanation of the hitherto open question why celestine is represented in the Czarkowy, Posądza and Pszów-Kokoszyce sulfur deposits by• macrocrystalline forms only. The studies showed that the deposits, mined at the outcrops in these areas, correspond in mineral composition to the zones I and II of the Machów mine. The deeper-seated parts of these deposits, exploited by either mining (Swoszowice) or drillings (Jeziórko), are characterized by predominance of macrocrystalline or nodular forms of barite, and cryptocrystalline ones of celestine (zone III of the Machów mine). The analysis of the questions of geochemistry of strontium and barium made it possible to explain the origin of the zones of concentration of strontium at the outcrops of sulfur deposits at Piaseczno and Machów and, by analogy, Czarkowy and Pszów-Kokoszyce. The zones originated due to initiation of processes leading to migration of strontium from deep parts of the sequences, where gypsum is subjected to metasomatic transformation into sulfur and limestone, upwards to the outcrops. The transformation also results in origin of water solutions of celestine and strontianite, squeezed upwards to the outcrops due to gravitational movement of tectonic blocks. It was continuing from the Pliocene up to the present (T. Osmólski, 1972; Z. Krysiak, 1985), being accompanied by drainage of strontium-bearing deposit waters, i.e. migration of strontium towards the outcrops, in result of erosional action of waters of the Vistula River in the Piaseczno-Tarnobrzeg region (S. Turek, 1978).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia