Górnokredowe struktury tektoniczne w jednostce niedzickiej wschodniej części bloku Homoli (Małe Pieniny)


  • Edyta Jurewicz


UPPER CRETACEOUS FOLD STRUCTURES IN THE NIEDZICA NAPPE OF THE HOMOLE BLOCK, EASTERN PART (PIENINY KLIPPEN BELT) Summary The Homole Block in the eastern part of the Pieniny Mountains, Carpathians, offers a good opportunity to study tectonic deformations related to Late Cretaceous nappe thrusting in the Pieniny Klippen Belt. The Niedzica Nappe is there thrust over relatively undisturbed substratum of the Czorsztyn Unit. The most detailed observations were carried out in the eastern part of the Homole Gorge where good exposures of the Niedzica Nappe and its Czorsztyn Unit substratum are known. The character of tectonic deformation depends to a great extent on lithology. E.g., radiolarites of the Czajakowa Radiolarite Formation (Jurassic) are strongly internally folded, while more competent Jurassic nodular limestones of the Niedzica and the Czorsztyn limestone formations show well marked cleavage instead. The folding of the Niedzica Nappe was synchronous with its thrusting over the Czorsztyn Unit. Second-order fold elements within the Niedzica Nappe are interrelated with simultaneously formed longitudinal faults (Figs l, 2).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia