Jurajskie konkrecje żelaziste-manganowe w sukcesji czorsztyńskiej (pieniński pas skałkowy)


  • Tomasz Zydorowicz
  • Andrzej Wierzbowski


FERROMANGANESE CONCRETIONS FROM THE JURASSIC OF THE CZORSZTYN SUCCESSION, PIENINY KLIPPEN BELT, CARPATHIANS Summary The ferromanganese nodules occur in the pelagic red condensed limestones attributed to the Czorsztyn Limestone Formation of the Pieniny Klippen Belt (Figs 1, 2). The nodules are usually a few centimeters in diameter, and have formed around particle or fragment of an older nodule; they are often concentrically laminated, however the columnar structure or homogenous parts are also found within the nodules (Fig. 3). Minerals identified in the nodules include calcite (20 - 60%), goethite, chalcedony and amorphic substance, subordinately the hematite and todorokite have been stated. Chemically, Fe-content is ranging about several percents, whereas Mn-content is only about 1% ; Co and Ni show some enrichment (about 0.1%). The nodules were formed directly on the sea bottom as they enclose the sessile foraminifers Tolypaminidae (Fig. 3), the colonies of which attain sometimes even 20% of the total volume of the nodule. Depletion in clay minerals in relation to the host sediment indicate their high growth rate. Generalising, the source materials for the formation of Fe-Mn nodules discussed carne from marine water. Probably, local submarine exhalations affected their chemical composition.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia